Most Common Questions about Pinterest Boards Answered

Pinterest group boards can, if used properly, drive a lot of traffic to your website or blog. Bloggers and website owners who desire to start using Pinterest for marketing purposes have some questions at first though. These questions include finding the best group to join for maximum effectiveness. Another question that is commonly asked is what kind of material they should post on the group boards.

After you have found and joined good groups, you can begin to market your blog or website and your products and services. If you use the group boards in an efficient manner, then you will notice a dramatic increase in your blog/website traffic in just a few months. In this post we’re going to share some info and answer some of the most common questions about Pinterest group boards.

What exactly is a Pinterest group board?

A Pinterest group board is an online board (like a Facebook page) that allows various people to contribute to the group. All contributors can pin material on the board. You can identify a group board by a little grey icon showing two people, like on the image below (in the lower right corner).

Why should you join Pinterest group boards?

There are two major benefits to joining Pinterest group boards.

1. A typical group board has a large number of followers, ranging from 1,000 followers to 100,000 followers. Thus, when you pin your own content (from your blog or website) on active and popular group boards, a large number of people will see it. As a result, the number of people who visit your blog/website will drastically increase, as will the amount of repins of your pins.

2. Group boards are a good way to find sources. If you have joined group boards that cater to your specific business niche, then you will be able to find pins from other users who are in the same business as you. You can also repin various posts that are shared on that group board.

Another benefit of group boards is that any irrelevant or repulsive pins are removed by the owner of the board. Thus, every active group is a valuable asset for pin worthy material.

How can you decide which group boards to join?

In order to find the best group boards for you to join, the group should meet the following criteria:

1. The group board should be related to the topic of your business. So if you run a fitness and health website, don’t join a group for mountain climbers.

2. The group board should have a significant number of followers. The more followers there are, the more exposure your pins will get.

3. If there are 4 or 5 people who are constantly pinning material to the group board, the board’s feed can get cluttered very quickly. If you start posting your own material there, you might be seen as someone who wants to be in the spotlight.

To get an idea about how many people are actually pinning and contributing to a group board, click the ‘group board creator’ in the circle on the left side of the screen. In the page that opens, you will be able to see the creator of the group board, as well as the last 2 accounts that joined the group board. Besides this information, you will find information about the rest of the pinners in that group board.

4. The pins on the board should have a large amount of repins. This aspect of a group is the most essential factor when deciding which groups to join. If pins on that group only get 2 or 3 repins, then it is not likely that you will find much success in that group board. To determine how many repins a group board has, read on.

How can you find group boards related to the topic of your business?

Go to This is a tool that will help you a lot in finding good group boards to join. Basically, Pingroupie is a search engine tool that specialises in Pinterest group boards. You can use Pingroupie to search for keywords or phrases that are related to the topic of your business, and then click the ‘filter’ button. You will then get a list of group boards that are relevant to your business.

For example, if you search for ‘blogging’ in Pingroupie, you will get the following result on Pingroupie.

Apart from giving you links to group boards related to your business, Pingroupie will also show you some important statistics for every single group board in the results of the search. The essential information given is the number of collaborators (people who can pin material on the board), the number of followers and the repin rate of pins posted on that board.

This means that you will not have to manually search for these statistics. So use Pingroupie to find group boards on Pinterest that match your business,

How can you join a Pinterest group board?

At first, it might seem like a difficult task to join a group board. This is because you can only join a group board by getting an invitation from the owner of the group board, or an invitation from the other collaborators in the group board.

In order to get an invite, you should begin by reading the description of the group board in detail. Usually, most good group boards explain how you can join them in the descriptions section. Typically, the description will instruct you to become a follower of the group board or become a follower of the owner’s profile page.

You can also request an invitation by leaving a comment on the latest post on the group board. You can also email the owner of the group board, if their email address is provided in the description.

If the description instructs you to leave a comment requesting to join, then do the following things:

1. Go to the profile of the owner of the board.

2. Find the section called ‘pins’. You can find this underneath the biography section.

3. In the top left corner of the screen, click on the most recent pin in the group’s feed.

4. Scroll down and select the ‘comments’ button to open the comment form.

5. Write a comment here, requesting the owner to invite you to join his/her group board.

6. If the option is available, use the ‘@’ symbol to tag the owner of the board in your comment.

If you are unsure about what to write in your comment, here are some basic tips:

1. Start the comment with a short introduction about yourself and greetings.

2. Write your request to join the group. Include the name of the group.

3. Finally, end your comment with your email address (the email should be attached to your Pinterest account).

The owner of the group can send you an invitation in 2 ways. They can send an invitation to your email address (which is why you should include it in the comment) or they can invite your Pinterest account itself.

An example of a good comment is as follows:

“Hello Brian,
My name is John and I run a website called ‘Traveling Light’. I blog on that website as well as arrange travel plans for customers interested in vacationing. I would love to join your group (include the name of the group) board on Pinterest.

Here is a link to my Pinterest account (add a link to your account here) and this is my email address (write your email here). You can send me an invitation to my account or email address.

How can you accept an invitation?

Your invitation to the group board will come either in your Pinterest messages section, or to your email address. If you have a notification for an invite on your Pinterest account, then simply click on the speech bubble found at the top right corner of the page and then click the ‘Inbox’ tab.

Once you open the invitation, simply click ‘Accept’ and you will be a member of the group board. Sometimes it can take a long time for the owners of the group board to accept your request, especially if the group board has a large number of users who are active on it. So be patient when expecting an invitation.

What should you do if there are no instructions on how to join?

If there are no instructions about how to join the group in the description section of the board, then it might be hard to get invited to join the group board. It is probable that the reason for no joining instructions can be that the group doesn’t want any new members.

However, you can still try to message the group board owner or email him/her (if the email address is given in the group description).

If you don’t get an invitation to a group even after a few days, then you should move on to some other groups.

Hope this post helps you understand more about Pinterest group boards. Please feel free to comment below if you have any questions or concerns. You should also Browse our packages if you want to join group boards without wasting any time.

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