Pinterest is one of the best traffic sources for a growing number of businesses and bloggers who pin quality stuff. This is a detailed post on viral marketing on Pinterest but if you don’t have the time to read it and just want to purchase our done-for-you service to get results asap, here is a quick lowdown on what you will get:
All of the following questions will be answered in this guide and you will be able to skyrocket your results from Pinterest. That’s the guarantee or your money back, “No Questions Asked”.
- Simple formula on why some pins get tens and thousands of repins
- What kind of traffic you think a pin that goes viral on Pinterest can generate for the producer?
- A process to get more of your pins to go viral
- What can you do right now to get more repins for you posts
- How to get repins on a brand new post
- How to get those who repin your pin, to push it to more people
- Which repins matter when you just posted your content
- Which repins matter when your content is already gaining traction and getting 10s of pins
- How to go from getting 10s of repins to 100s and 1000s of repins
- How to become a traffic generation GURU on Pinterest
- How to make 1000s of dollars per month from using this guide to generate traffic for yourself and others
One viral post can blow your mind away on what kind of traffic you can get from Pinterest. We have analysed over 10,000 posts on Pinterest, to understand how things go viral in the Pinterest universe.
It was not easy but after a while pattern started to emerge. At first we thought it was a fluke, but as we started to look at every post which got more than 500 pins, our doubts disappeared in thin air. Every single one of the posts which went viral had knowingly or unknowingly followed the same steps. Some did it by design, others by fluke. Some did it internally, others got outside help.

One of the thousands of our viral pins resulting from our strategy.
We then segmented the posts at a smaller level, as small as increments of 10, for example 0-10, 10-20 all the way up to 100,000. We did the same at increment of 50, 100, 500 and 1000. The machine firepower needed to run the regressions was a whole story on its own. We also analysed the size of the image, number of keywords in headline, length of the description.
Each factor was isolated on it’s own. We further added factors like, source of the pin, user who posted it, following of the user and frequency along with industry. The results have been nothing short of breathtaking and 99.9% of the users on Pinterest don’t know about it. We looked at how we can cash this knowledge and how can we make money from it.
Ok Fine, our intentions were not noble, we wanted to make money from it instead of just helping people.
So we decided to sell this information.
But in reality, when you have your pins go viral, not only we are making money but you are making money too. It helps you grow your reach, traffic and earning potential.
You don’t have to buy this and you can do the above yourself, analyise more than 10,000 posts on Pinterest yourself and we are sure even with university level knowledge of math, you will be able to find co-relations between the factors listed above. You will be able to find how to get things to go viral yourself.

You can simply buy what we have found. We have packed it down to a simple step by step plan which will tell you exactly what to do to get your posts to go viral on Pinterest and when to do it.
If it doesn’t work, you get a full refund. No questions asked.
It can’t be any simpler than that.
We have two separate plans for you:
- Do it yourself: pay the $199 and you get a step by step plan yourself to go viral on Pinterest.
- Done for you: Done for you service, allows you to sit back and relax while we do all the work for you to make sure your posts go viral on Pinterest.
We guarantee what you pay us for the “done for you” service will make you at least 5 times more in terms of traffic, revenue or product sales.
Some of our analysed posts: